Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I Found Something: The Stone Monuments of Markawasi (Part 10)

"...for we must also approach the strange monoliths of the plateau with a ‘knowledge different from ours... a new form of perception... a special kind of mathematics.’ If we don’t, we are liable to go mad."

Let me share some articles with you, which are excerpts from the book by Kathy Doore entitled, “Markawasi, Peru’s Inexplicable Stone Forest.” Markawasi is also spelled as Marcahuasi.

Read them and think for yourself. Do not listen to anyone. Do not even believe the opinion of others, not even the writers of these articles. Think for yourself.

Mystical Places
by Peter E. Schneider

Soon after arriving in Peru 23 years ago, I heard about a strange, mystical place in the Andes Mountains, where there were hundreds of stone statues. It was said that Markawasi was ancient, beyond living memory, existing before the Incas, and the pre-Incas. It was related that there were heads and faces of human beings of different races, both male and female, and animal figures unknown on this continent. There were stories of dinosaurs and strange inscriptions carved into the rock; all this on a plateau located 4,000 meters above sea level, less than 100 km from the city of Lima.
There was only one problem: nobody knew how to get there. Finally, after nearly six months of searching, I found a group of students who were willing to guide me to the plateau, and thus began the biggest adventure of my life!
It was not an easy journey. First, one had to ride on a rickety old bus, finally arriving to a tiny village high in the mountains. Here, there were only cheese and potatoes to buy, and only three horses in the whole village, with a few donkeys scattered around. There was no water on the plateau; no hotel, no food, no toilets, no nothing. However, when I finally reached Markawasi, my jaw dropped. My first thought was, “This is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and it’s right at the top of the list!”
Daniel Ruzo, the Peruvian scholar and explorer, discovered the immense carved statues on the Markawasi plateau in 1952, after having seen a photo of what the locals called, “Peca Gasha”, a towering carved monument found on an obscure plateau in the district of Huarochiri. The site had been briefly referenced in 1923 by the Peruvian archaeologist, Julio C. Tello, who termed it, “Markawasi”, giving a brief description of the 12th century ruins, without pointing out, however, the massive sculpted statues. Ruzo spent nine summers investigating the sculptures, maintaining that they dated before the oldest pyramids of Egypt; pre-dating, in fact, the Great Flood of Noah. He labeled it a “proto-historical” site, which he claims existed “anterior to the Sumerians and to all three-dimensional sculptures that fill the European museums!”
The figures at Markawasi are uniquely arranged over a tabletop mesa, 4-1/2 km in length, and one km wide. A three-day trek is the minimum required time to visit all the statues; a week would allow a more thorough visit.

Lost Civilizations
by Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D.

When I was first invited to visit Markawasi by Peter Schneider during the summer of 2005, I had no idea what was in store for me. “Oh, another remote geological site with some interesting stone formations” I thought to myself. “Well, after all, I have a Ph.D. in geology and geophysics, and I am rather fond of rocks, so what is the harm in looking at a few more? Besides, the Peruvian Andes are spectacular and always wonderful to visit.” Little did I realize the profound and life-altering experiences that were in store for me there, and that are in store for anyone who visits Markawasi with an open mind and a willingness to be moved by the power of the place. And it was not as if I had never experiences “sacred sites” or Earth “power points” before. For instance, I have spent many years studying and experiencing firsthand the Great Sphinx and Great Pyramid, as well as numerous tombs, temples, and other holy spots in Egypt.
It is an honor and privilege to contribute to this guidebook on the Stone Monuments of Markawasi. Kathy Doore and Peter Schneider are instrumental in bringing the mystery and importance of Markawasi to a larger audience. There are lessons to be learned from Markawasi that will benefit all of humankind.
“ . . . natural adapted features in a sanctified landscape.”
These words (from John Michell, Confessions of a Radical Traditionalist, 2005) resonated in my mind as I explored the Markawasi Plateau. I had come to this small plateau (about two miles long by a little over half a mile wide) in the Andes, towering above the town of San Pedro de Casta (50 miles northeast of Lima), at an elevation of over 12,000 feet above sea level, to view for myself the reputed ancient monumental stone sculptures. Here, some claimed, were to be found the remains of a lost culture that dates back thousands of years, if not tens of thousands of years or more. Supposedly they created monumental carvings from the white to gray diorite and granodiorite cliffs, boulders, and outcroppings on the top of the plateau - carvings of an anthropomorphic and zoomorphic nature, including peoples of many different races and animals found not just in the immediate vicinity, but from other continents as well. There was even an alleged sculpture of the Egyptian divinity Ta-urt (Thoueris), goddess of childbirth and maternity, in her typical form as an upright female hippopotamus. If these reports were true, this would indicate a pre-Columbian culture that had transoceanic ties, and just perhaps it represented a branch of the primordial global lost civilization of which many writers and philosophers have speculated over the centuries. Certainly such reports piqued my interest, especially since I have championed both the concept of a very ancient high civilization and the idea of significant global contact among cultures long ago.
Before leaving the U.S., I was warned that Markawasi (Marcahuasi) is a landscape of strange, anomalous phenomena, be they encounters with extraterrestrials (many UFOs, which the Peruvians refer to as ovni/ovnis, have been sighted from the plateau), inhabitants of the reputed tunnels that lie beneath the Andes, or the ghosts, witches, and spirits that some believe populate the site. Visitors to the plateau have experienced altered states of inner consciousness, accompanied by telepathic and clairvoyant abilities, whether in the dream or waking state. What might await me in this preternatural setting?

Check more of his account on The Mystery of Markawasi

Fantastic Discoveries
by Lisa Rome

There are many important facets of Markawasi, all pieces of an incredible, complex puzzle. There are twenty-two energy vortexes called ‘cruzes’, or crosses, made up of three distinct types of energy. There are three of the first type which are found in areas of limited access on the plateau - limited to those prepared to be near such powerful energy. The second type of cross, of which there are seven, are crosses that betoken the days of the week. There are twelve crosses of the third type, which have to do with the phases of the moon. Each cross has a specific healing power. The crosses, which are easily visible on the plateau, have an undeniable energy that can be felt without any special preparation or sensitivity. Carlos Seclan, a Peruvian student of Daniel Ruzo, had an extraordinary experience at one of the vortexes of Markawasi. He had been studying Markawasi for fifteen years when he had a car accident that left him paralyzed in bed for eleven months. With the finest doctors in Peru unable to treat him, he was told that he could not be healed, and would never walk again.
After having studied the energies of the stones and vortexes of Markawasi, he knew that there had to be some way to cure his broken back with the profound forces of the mountain. He knew that on a certain day, at a certain hour, at a certain vortex, there would be the appropriate energy to heal him. He convinced his friends to carry him up the mountain to the designated vortex, where they left him alone for seven days.
On the seventh day an ordinary-looking Peruvian man, a stranger to Carlos, appeared. They spoke about Carlos' problem and then the man began to demonstrate some exercises, which Carlos followed. As he moved through the exercises he felt a heat rising through his body starting at his toes, with a distinct buzzing noise, followed by a tingling sensation which began to move throughout his body. When the heat and buzzing sensations reached his head he was aware of a light entering the top of his crown, at which point he fell asleep.
When Carlos awoke several hours later, he was surprised to realize that not only could he sit up, but stand as well. The stranger who had assisted him was gone. Carlos was able to walk down the mountain alone, unassisted, to join his friends who had been camping nearby.
To this day, Carlos is the most important living scholar of the vortexes of Markawasi. He has revealed the location of five of the vortexes. Two of the vortexes are easy to find on the plateau; one is located beneath the Cat, and the other, marked with a white X, is in the center of the plateau at the edge of a precipice. Carlos first went to Markawasi in 1973 on a hunting trip and says that before he went, he had seen Markawasi in his dreams, and when he arrived, he knew exactly where to go.
Markawasi is also a famous location for UFO sightings which the villagers call OVNI’s. The villagers in the pueblo below Markawasi accept UFO sightings as a normal occurrence. When asked if they believe in UFO's, they react as though it were a strange question, as though they had been asked if they believe in cows!
Moises Bautista, former president of the community, tells of an encounter he had in August of 1963. The night was clear with a full moon. At about 2:00 a.m., he was walking near some ruins on his way to check his cows on the plateau. He saw a ‘car-like’ vehicle come out of the sky and land about 20 meters in front of him. He hid beneath a tomb as the encounter unfolded.
The vehicle was about three meters in diameter with six round fluorescent lights. Out of the vehicle came five beings, each approximately one meter, 20 cm tall. They were wearing orange/brown body suits and boots. They emerged from a portal of the vehicle made of clear material. They walked around and touched stones on the ground, as though they were inspecting them. They then returned to the vehicle and departed, flying north, the same direction from which they came. The whole encounter lasted three minutes. Moises speaks freely about his encounter, as it is not considered a crazy subject in the town of San Pedro de Casta.
Others in the village who have had sightings include the town baker. He says that he regularly sees a silver metallic disc with multi-color lights flying over Markawasi. He believes that the UFO’s have a regular pattern, appearing at the end of the month. The baker, and many others in San Pedro, including the town's youngest children, had a sighting at night of a disc that flew over the town. The children animatedly tell of the ‘flying saucer’ or ‘planet’ with colorful lights that flew over their heads in 1988.

Village Life
San Pedro de Casta is the folkloric Andean village through which one must pass before arriving in Markawasi. Here, one can hire burros to carry supplies and equipment to the plateau, a three and a half-hour walk up the mountain. The people of San Pedro are the spiritual guardians of the meseta of Markawasi. It is their responsibility to see that those who are welcomed to the meseta feel safe and cared for during their stay.
The people of San Pedro are ‘campesinos’, or peasants. They make their communal living (income), by farming the terraced land of the surrounding mountains, as their ancestors did for thousands of years before them. A total of twenty tons of corn, alfalfa, potatoes and other crops are exported every year. More interesting, however, is that they export FORTY tons of medicinal plants which grow wild on the surrounding mountains, as well as on Markawasi itself. The few available plants found in the area seem to cover all of their needs. The people of San Pedro de Casta claim that the plants are ancient.

Stone Forest Legends
The place on the meseta with the most interesting stories is the ‘Infernillo’, Inferno, or the infernal place. It is a large rock crevasse about twenty feet deep. It is said that anyone who dares to jump across the Infernillo will be ‘swallowed up’ and taken inside the earth, never to return again. Another myth surrounding the Infernillo is that if a person walks into the base of the crevasse, he will be taken inside the earth, go through the mountain, and come out at the mouth of a river far away. The person would never be the same again and unable to reenter society. He would shy away from humans as wild animals do. The locals do regard these as myths and readily jump over the gap of the Infernillo.

Sacred Earth
by Javier Ruzo

The Incas used older sites such as those of Sacsayhuaman, and Kenko, near Cusco. The principle stone in Kenko is encircled by cut stones pointing out an immense boulder that appears to be the remnant of a puma. Why would you mark a stone that has almost no form? This would be because you want to leave it as a ritual element, an offering, to the remains of prior epochs, to convey a mystery, or a truth. It was most probably a stone used long before the time of the Inca, and related to the existing sacred cave.  All Inca sacred places have tunnels and ritual caves; all over the world we find the same story: the Mountain with the inner cavern; a burial place where you were 'reborn' in the purifying essence of the Mother earth.
The entire area above Cusco near Sacsayhuaman is a place with labyrinthine forms, caves with entries and exits, including markings like snakes, which show the underworld as a symbol. All of this cave culture, of underground water, of the universal virgin, is also related to Markawasi in that there is a devotion to a sacred place in the two elements of the Universe: as above, so below; the virgin with her different names: Pachamama, the earth mother, the European black virgins, and various other themes, having tremendous relation with the prayers to the mountain, the prayer to Mother Earth.
 Markawasi is, in the end, the natural expression of a mountain with its many special formations, as if the Earth had given birth to a full collection of mysteries in stone. When human beings behold this mystery, we are struck by the same impressions that persons living thousands of years ago had felt; therefore, Markawasi is an expression of the Sacred Earth and a message to the future era.
Markawasi cannot be understood as a sculpture in each stone, but as a place where all the stones, whether re-touched or natural, confer a message. Here are displayed the values of man, his knowledge of the seasons, and his often magical relation to the Universe. They used the elements of sun and shadow to work their art, where they united the affinities of sky and earth with the universal solar clock, marking where man held ceremonies to record the passage of time.  In Markawasi, one sees reflections of his inner self; imagination made manifest, a mirroring of our most secret yearning.
Sacred places require one thing - that man has a relationship with them. In Peru you have the tradition of 'ayni', the apu "mountain gods", or whatever you consider to be Divine. You give it your prayers, your dedication, your offerings, and it reciprocates in kind - this is ayni.  All of Peru is full of sacred mountains; some have their own prayers which are thousands of years old.  Today you find in the northeast Brazilian mountains cave paintings that are 30,000 years old, whose carbon dating have changed the written history of earth. This will continue to expand our knowledge until we discover the pre-existing immense cycles that rule the ages of our Planet.
History changes constantly because people are pioneers who sacrifice themselves in the quest for knowledge.  I say that they sacrifice themselves because bringing new things to history requires people who devote their life to finding the hidden knowledge.  From the time of Copernicus to present day, free-thinkers have been condemned or ridiculed for their pioneering spirit. There will always be an academic side that will want to maintain a stable history, but history is never stable. History is a human version of reality. It is a continuum that changes with time, transforming itself.  Thus, the fundamental element for change, for any person who wishes to make real history, is to valiantly propose new theories, and this is how new elements come into play. 
When I was sixteen, I went to Markawasi for the first time. My grandfather, who was more a father figure, helped me go to Europe to study art. I left my career in economics, and ended up taking photographs and traveling with him. I think that my themes have always been about the inner symbols and the voyage of discovery that one has with the universe. And the places where art took me are related to Markawasi, China, Egypt, Mexico, Europe and other places that I visited.  The same themes influenced my photography and painting.
It is impossible to not join art and Markawasi. If I wanted to sculpt stone and light on a small scale today, to see how the system of cutting a stone so that the light in certain moments of the day would give form to an eye, or an eyebrow, or a nose, it is with great difficulty, because in one single stone you could have three faces, or more, like in Markawasi.

Sacred Mountains
by Daniel Ruzo

The most imposing of the sacred mountains on earth, the one that has the most beautiful decoration, is located at Lima’s door, 80 kilometers to the east, amid the peaks of the Andes. More than eighty-five centuries ago, a powerful people, forger of a complete culture, made a reservoir within this mountain from the seasonal rains in order to irrigate the surrounding lands during the dry season. The people converted the plateau into an impregnable fortress and a religious center with four enormous altars. They surrendered their dead to the condors and decorated the three square kilometers with hundreds of marvelous sculptures by which anyone must be impressed. It took so many hours of labor for the building and the decoration of these works, that we are assured that the people must have enjoyed hundreds of years of a flourishing economy.
The lines that are traced by these monuments follow a secret map with only one ending point: the entrance to the subterranean cave that exists in all of the sacred mountains. Many groups of people were saved in these caves during the mythical Noah’s flood. In these same caves many other groups of people will be saved during the next catastrophe. Read more...

A Daunting Journey
by Marino Sanchez

The district of San Pedro de Casta lies 80 km (49 miles) to the East of Lima, in the province of Huarochiri, a region of Lima that makes up part of the Rimac valley where the water creates a basin. Found upon a gigantic geo-morphological surface that forms the branch of the Andean mountain range, is found access to Markawasi.

Traveling along the central highway leaving the city of Lima, we follow the road to Chosica city. Here the road becomes slower where the country lane becomes a dirt and gravel lane bordering the valley, and the river of Santa Eulalia. At an elevation of 1036 meters (3,400') above sea level (asl) we begin the climb up the mountain. Soon we pass along the opposite side of the “city of the witches”, in the district of Kallawanka at 1761 meters (5,777'), continuing past the massive hydroelectric plant at Huinco at 1880 meters (6,168').

Soon, one arrives at the bridge of Autisha (2,200 meters (7,218'), where we cross a deep ravine and begin the excessively steep climb up to the village of San Pedro de Casta. We pass the Center of Experimental Agronomy until the dirt road forks to the Southeast. Here we are directed to choose, either to follow the road to Santiago de Iris and Carampoma, or continue to San Pedro. Read more...

Sacred Forests
by George Hunt Williamson

Excerpted from "Road in the Sky" 1959:

"We were greeted by all kinds of friendly people in San Pedro de Casta who followed us up to the plateau. There were women in curious hats and bright attire, naked, dusty children, teachers from the local school, and important politicians. Figure 6: is the great ‘PecaGasha’ itself with a swarm of friends at its base. This will give you an idea how colossal it really is. The entire plateau is covered by a coarse, dry vegetation and is also covered by fog most of the time during seven months of the year. However, between May and September the sun turns it into a delightful place, although the nights and early mornings are very cold. The first thing that caught my eye after I was made speechless with the sight of the ‘Peca- Gasha’, was a cement block with a bronze plaque. It read: ASOCIACION PERUANA DE ASTRONOMIA.

The Peruvian Association of Astronomy determined the magnetic declination of the plateau and an aerial photograph was taken which is now in the archives of the Peruvian Air Ministry. Dr. Ruzo has been studying the relationship of the symbols represented in all the stone figures and the mathematical relationship among the figures themselves. There is no question that the position of the sculptures on the plateau and surrounding the little lakes on top indicates a general pre-established plan of the ancient priests and master builders. At the four cardinal points of the plateau we find the most outstanding and important carved figures.

I spent many days on horseback, traveling over the entire area of Marcahuasi (Markawasi). I can give you here only a little of what I saw, for to really appreciate and be thrilled by the plateau, you must see it for yourself—words are inadequate. Ouspensky, in writing of the Sphinx of Egypt, said: ‘... it had seemed to me that it would be necessary to approach it with the full equipment of a knowledge different from ours, with some new form of perception, some special kind of mathematics...’

If Ouspensky had ever seen Marcahuasi (Markawasi), he would have immediately realized that his words were even more fitting for Peru than they were for Egypt, for we must also approach the strange monoliths of the plateau with a ‘knowledge different from ours... a new form of perception... a special kind of mathematics.’ If we don’t, we are liable to go mad. There are magnificent artificial lake systems and large dams and canals. On the stones rising from the ancient water level are carved figures that once cast curious shadows on the surfaces of sacred lakes. Strangely enough, there is a small lake on the plateau today called ‘Black Lagoon’, and out of its centre rises the perfectly carved head of a scaly dinosaur-like monster as if it were just breaking the surface, resting its enormous, ponderous body on the bottom.

After studying hundreds of carvings on the plateau, Dr. Ruzo reached a startling conclusion. But the evidence was all there. Gigantic altars that could accommodate only very large life forms. How large? At least twelve feet tall. Therefore, Ruzo believes Marcahuasi (Markawasi) holds important keys to the world’s ancient mysteries—it is possibly the last ‘Sacred Forest’ in such a state of preservation. One of the great ‘Sacred Forests’ of whispered antiquity where the ‘gods’ met in council to decide the fate of the world.

When you view the figures on the plateau you feel you are looking at some long forgotten museum of the ‘Giant Gods’, for it seems that everything ever created is represented here. There are all kinds of great birds and animals from lions and elephants to camels and penguins—all of which never existed in South America. (See figure 7: ‘The Lion’, and Figure 8: ‘The Group of Elephants’.) To the extreme left you will notice several stone burial ‘chulpas’ (tombs) of the Incas.

 Figure 7
 Figure 8

There are countless human faces representing all the races of mankind. (See figure 9: which is called ‘La Negrita’, the colored woman.) Many great stone heads bear strong resemblance to those found on Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean, for they possess the same features with the stone hats and all that the Island statues are famous for. There is another curious figure exactly like Easter Island representations. It is a great carving of a headless man with a gigantic bird head attached to the end of his spine."

Figure 9


“Secret of the Andes” by Brother Philip (George Hunt Williamson) pp. 57-61; 1961:

“We have already spoken of the legacy for man hidden in the South American jungles that is beyond his wildest imagination. In ancient record chambers scientific knowledge will be found and utilized in the New Age, secrets of a very remote past will be the incentive for magnificent development in a newer world. The cities of the fabulous Amazonian Empire, which antedated other world civilizations, belong to another Lost Continent but, unlike Atlantis and Mu, this Continent is not buried under any ocean, but instead, it is buried behind miles of Green Hell that constitute the South American jungles. These cities have never been under water; their records therefore are well preserved in their final resting places in the vast libraries of forgotten Paititi. Countless treasures were brought to Paititi by informed priest-scientists when it was known that both Lemuria and Atlantis were definitely doomed to oblivion. What an inheritance will be found in areas where now only the sound of the monkey and the call of the bird are known--the combined knowledge of the three greatest empires the world has ever known.

Early in June 1957, the Expeditionary Group of the Abbey, under the direction of the Order of the Red Hand, made its way over difficult trails on foot and horseback to the Marcahuasi (Markawasi) Plateau of the Andes, where it encountered a Lost Sacred Forest or Garden of the Gods high in the Peruvian mountains. This strange place is known by the descendants of the Huanca Indians as the home of the wizards and Giant Gods.

On top of the great plateau there is a large stone fortress in a remarkable state of preservation. This was used by Inca soldiers about A.D. 1350 when they conquered the Huancas and established military occupation of the entire region. There are many stone chulpas of burial tombs surrounding the fortress, all of which have been robbed. After the murder of the Inca Emperor Atahualpa at Cajamarca, Peru, the Spanish arrived at Marcahuasi and destroyed the ancient mummy bundles to satisfy their lust for the yellow metal. Today, only a few bones remain in each tomb. An ancient burial cave, thousand of feet above a valley, proved to be very important for it contained an unopened tomb that, by some miracle, had not yet been violated. There were countless mummies inside, but the discovery is insignificant when compared with the fantastically ancient sculptured stones of the Marcahuasi Plateau.

This plateau is 12,000 feet above sea level, and is shrouded in fog most of the year, but during the months between May and September there is a bright sun and it becomes a delightful place, although very cold at night. The many and great sculptured stones represent an important key to the world's ancient mysteries. Birds and animals from lions and elephants to camels and penguins which never existed in South America have been carved in gigantic proportions. All human races appear to be represented and many great stone heads bear resemblance to those found on famous Easter Island in the Pacific.

Many ancient religions are symbolized by beautiful and finely carved sphinxes, faces and figures of forgotten gods and goddesses. The figures are immense and from scientific calculations, it is believed they were made by a race of giant men at least twelve feet tall. It is not yet known for certain whether they belonged to the Cyclopean Race or not, but the strange dimensional quality of the carvings is an indication that this may be so.

There are many legends that exist among present-day natives in South America--the Incas spoke of the giants, also--that tell of the giant blond men who once inhabited the continent. These are not ordinary gigantic statues of figures, for when the sunlight, or the moonlight, strikes them at a certain angle, you see things that are impossible to see at any other time. The features change as you view them at different times, under different conditions, and from different angles. Most of the figures have three or four eyes, but no matter where you observe them from, they always seem to present only two. If you are not at a given, fixed point of observation you do not see the statues as they were intended to be seen. Therefore, we had to locate the elevated platforms near the figures that were used by the makers for observational purposes.

The figures are carved out of granite, but are now badly eroded. Yet, they are magnificent in their execution even today, and it takes your breath away to contemplate them and their creators. Who were these giants? Where did they come from? Where did they go? We will answer such questions through our research at the Abbey.

The figures cover an area of several square miles, and reports from other parts of South America indicate that they are to be found elsewhere, although not in such a state of isolation or profusion as at Marcahuasi.

There are several altars that were obviously made to be used by giant creatures, but even more startling is the fact that something out of this world seems to be hovering over the plateau. Almost all the time one can hear a very odd humming sound coming from the figures, and this sound is not due to natural causes. You feel you are dealing with something outside of man's ability to understand at the present time, a look into another dimension of Time and Space.

When one takes a photo of a carved figure of a very old man and observes the negative, it appears not as an old man, but as a young and handsome youth. Who could carve stone so that certain angles shapes will change and cast shadows into valleys, where, as the light changes, strange creatures move as if alive?

This race of giant beings used natural objects that seemed to bear resemblance to known animals, and then, by carving them, they enhanced the setting. The result is something that appears to be born right out of the soil. This was a Sacred Forest where no one ever lived, used as it was exclusively for scientific religious purposes. Science and religion were then joined together in Truth as they will be again in the New Age. It is perhaps the last Sacred Forest that remains nearly intact and unmolested by modern man. It is possible that Marcahuasi was used by the race that later came to be known as the Ls. The Huanca Indians still venerate Huari who was a Hercules of their legends--a giant. It appears that a memory of the giants persisted to linger in the mythology of the Huancas and their Huari must have originally been a great leader of the giant race. The Huancas still celebrate strange rituals in hidden areas near the plateau, rituals no white man has ever seen. Until some years ago, the rites were celebrated at Marcahuasi itself.

The most startling fact of all disclosed by the Abbey research is that when Peruvian Government aerial photos of the plateau are studied carefully, one can see definite, gigantic figures that are visible only from the air. Does this mean that the giants had airships? Were the figures, as seen from the air, markers of symbols of some sort for ships arriving from interstellar space or other nearby planets? Marcahuasi will prove to be an important area for further research in relation to the Cyclopean Race and the coming of the Masters from Space.”

Source of Markawasi articles: Labyrinthina

After learning about Markawasi, I already know in my heart that this is the place I want to personally see before I leave Earth. I wanted a glimpse of the works of the gods, in a very humanly perspective.

To be continued.

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