Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mirror Mirror on Jesse's Wall

I have so much in mind that I could hardly put into words. I was kept on the ground by my own two feet when confronted by the mirror of life brought by Jesse. Since August 21 (six days after my birthday), I could not help but reflect on the life that was bestowed upon me--how I actually used it. I suddenly got scared when I saw what I needed to see in the mirror of life. It reflected the past, present and bounced to the future. It simply shone the light that woke me up as if two big hands huddled around me. Right then and there I knew that I was in a deep sleep for 30 long years and came to realize that you can't be in a deep sleep for a very long time or you'll be in deep shit when you wake up. Talks of how life is ought to be lived simply came and went carrying the impact of a typhoon--it comes ragingly felt one day and gone on the next. I cared too much but got easily drifted away by unwanted forces. Me going adrift was too easy than hanging around, and I was in full awareness of it.

I realized some things while watching myself in front of Jesse's mirror of life.

First, I saw that when you have already done significantly good enough on earth and influenced a great so many with your simple and innocent gestures, you will then have passed the test and will soon have to be voyaged from earth to heaven at a very unlikely time and place inasmuch as perfect timing always comes as a surprise.

This may not always be the case for those who were executed for killing innocent people. With no chance to repent, their lives where taken, too, and souls drifting, but I am not quite sure about the means of their deliverance from earth. 

Second, I was able to peep at a window in that mirror and spotted my erstwhile life. I knew that Jesse had led me to that window on purpose. This was the part when my being adrift was too evident that I couldn't find the door. I was lost.

Third, I am still alive, no doubt about that, and I still have time to allow a juncture of retraction. 

I learned that everyone's future is predestined (yes, in so many instances, I ascertained that it is so), but I also think that there are different doors to pre-designed places that are waiting to be knocked on by us. The lead to whichever door shall be determined by how well-lived we can keep our lives on earth. I may be setting forth my own conception of destiny but this is what I simply saw and adjudged. And even without me putting them into words, you'll find that it is what it is however you may want to put it. The mirror just showed me that.

30 years and counting. 30 years in the making. How have the mirror gone looking for me for so many years? Borne by Jesse I believe you have the mirror now in front of you, too. A looking glass that offered transparency of the future. In brutal statements, don't hate just love, don't be angry just smile, don't steal just give, don't boast just stay humble, don't fear just believe, don't cheat just do good and you will be okay.

But how much of it should I engage myself in, how far can I go and how long will I live? The answer stays unknown. My last naked statement would be, don't ask just live well.
