Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Today Is Tomorrow's Yesterday

Death is not only the permanent physical absence of a living being, it is also the end of a solitary and humdrum life. It is the inception of another story different from the one that had just ended. Welcoming the new is a stage too wearisome--episodes of predicaments in getting used to the new that will sooner or later end and die. Death is the end and the beginning, the beginning of an end and the end of that which had just begun. Emotive responses turn up spontaneously through abhorrent feelings. But that, too, is a phase towards acceptance, then euphoria and, later on, death. As bluntly as waking up to the unfamiliar light, as if the sun, in connivance with change, has its way of telling me that today marks the onset of a new beginning. Today, I entwine myself around the new but tomorrow I wallow in and get ready for its death. Today is tomorrow's yesterday.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Judas Kiss

Prevarications of truth are a multiple ways of ingenuity. The mendacities of foolish mouths and deceptive eyes, no matter how embellished, will remain an act of pretense and trickery.
The human head has a size that's smaller than its thoughts. The thoughts that make up the human head have shaped and framed it into provoking falseness.
The dark hasn't been so black, blacker than the night, leaving the clean-handed defenseless. It is the kiss of ebony that marks the fall. The delinquently hiding light seems chastised for no apparent reason. What the mouth utters the mind recoils. "The truth will set you free" but the truth is not at all free. The "freedom of truth" has boondoggled a pitiful mind into its solid phrase.
To believe is such an expensive gesture. Too precious that it takes a more expensive truth to get acquiesced.
The victims fall and rise, but the oppressors rise then fall.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Permanency Purporting to be Just That

It speaks of amaranthine refinement. It insists on keeping the eyes blind. The czar of harrowing surprises; of hurtful deceptive days. What permanency hurls the mind catches and the heart swallows hard. What chips off an overly concrete wall ruins the foundation altogether. What the eyes cannot see will always come as a surprise. Nothing is permanent.
