Wednesday, June 12, 2013

We are being called to WAKE UP NOW

Have you ever felt like something is wrong but can't decipher what it is?

Have you ever felt like you are here to save the world?

Have you ever felt like you are ought to do something big and that you are tuned to be something great and powerful but does not know where this feeling is coming from?

Have you ever felt that there is something else out there than just us and the Earth?

Have you ever felt that what's happening here on Earth right now is not supposed to happen and that you are being called to change that?

What you are feeling, my friend, is right all along. You are not crazy. You must wake up now and assist in the transformation.
The Earth is currently being bombarded with the magnetic energy that will assist us in awakening and the shifting of age making this world a peaceful place to live in. Let us make use of it NOW.

Let us all go home together.

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