Wednesday, January 26, 2011

All About Men

So many writings that were set forth told about Men in general. Today, allow me to talk about Men by nature. Pardon me for whatever words or phrases I may intentionally choose for we all know I am not really fond of the subject. To start with, men, by nature, think about sex above all things. A day has to start off having that. Literally, if a wall ever had a hole in it, men would have sketched a vagina on it and literally have had sex with a wall. They think that everything that has to do with women has something to do with sex. They literally look at women as walking sex machines. Every man would die for a taste of every prospective woman he sees. Men are slaves of their penises. Even that geeky guy who wore thick eyeglasses, aced math and spent time in the library would love to learn about sex first, and then back to math. So sad, men’s naturally strong-willed mind should have been bestowed upon women instead and women should have taken men as slaves. Men don’t really care about women’s emotions because that is the last thing men could ever understand. They lack the idea of what composes EMOTION, how it came about, where it came from -- It is a total alien to them. There is another word so alien to men, and that is called FIDELITY. A man thinks he loves you but he also thinks it is okay to have sex with the damsel next door.
 I had a boyfriend once, I asked him if he loved me and he answered: “I may love you today but that does not mean I’ll love you tomorrow. But I may love you again the day after tomorrow.” Can you see how fucked up men are by nature? I see that clearly. If a man says to you “I love you,” he actually meant “I want to have sex with you.” Keep that in mind. I had another boyfriend who drops me home after a night out and picks up another girl afterwards. There are so many stories to tell about these fucked up men. I never regretted disobeying my parents’ & brothers’ advice to not go out with guys. I had to learn and see for myself otherwise I wouldn’t really understand what they meant. If I listened to my parents, I believe I could have been impregnated by a lousy man for never learning how to scrutinize men in the first place. As I got older I understood what my family meant. And I am glad that I survived with my self-defined precautions.
Men in general are selfish, but I’d rather say, men by nature are assholes. Girls, sorry to ruin your hopes but you need to know that when a man does have sex with the same woman three times, by nature, he’ll think of another woman to have sex with. If it is you again the fourth time, believe me he will be imagining another woman’s body and face while doing it with you. So if you are going to have sex with the same guy the fourth time, my advice is, don’t let him go off and just stop in the middle on purpose. Then make a graceful exit. Hah! And, never show your face again. Move on, he does not want you anymore. You’ve become stale bread to him. He feels like he’s listening to a pirated CD that keeps on repeating that same slice of a track over and over again. Marriage is a wishful thinking. Marriage is a start of a relationship into ruins. What you see on TV and in the movies only happen on TV and in the movies, they never happen in real life. So if you really believe that your guy never looks at other women, wakes up happy to see your face in the morning, loves you truly, takes you in his mind everywhere he went and thinks about you every time you two had sex then you must be crazy. You need a good knocking on your head because your guy might just be a piece of your imagination or a great liar, and you might just be too stupid to see that.  Men are created this way. The movies fed us with wrong notion about men. They needed to in order to bring a good story out of a movie. See? Because in reality there is never a good story about men and women in relationships. Be it relationships in the royalties or the squatters, they all have the same stories to tell.
So what’s my point? If you truly love a man and you feel that you really want to spend the rest of your life with him, it goes without saying that you also need to accept man’s nature with all your heart, with no doubts and with all the understanding you can grope along the way. Some have done it successfully but most chose to give up.
So when you’re ready to accept man’s nature then you have started to become a wife. In the same manner, when a man is ready to understand a woman’s emotions no matter how vague they are then he started to become a husband.
So husband, love your wife. Wife, love your husband. For better or for worst, in sickness and in health, ‘til ‘other woman’ do your part. LOL.

1 comment:

  1. omg i was bound to be single for the rest of my life lol! very well said tin! more blogs to come...

