Thursday, August 8, 2013

I Found Something: The Mysteries of the Ancient Constructions (Part 6)

"Engineers and scientists couldn’t help but think that there seemed to be a relationship between the realm of man and the realm of the gods."

So, I have been wading through several documentaries on the constructions of the pyramids and the colossi in Egypt. They all looked like they were built using high-precision machines when we all thought they lived with primitive tools for construction. They also seemed to be built more complicated than a primitive tool can build. The geometry is too perfect and complex to conclude that they were done with simple chiseling. That even with modern tools, the construction would be extremely difficult according to one Manufacturing Engineer for the military and civil aviation, Chris Dunn. He adds, “What was guiding the tools? Because the human hand is not that precise, so it has to have assistance. Today, we have mechanical assistance to guide tools to cut complex shapes…” He continues, “Nobody can determine what tools were used. We can theorize but essentially when theorizing we have to show. We have to be able to demonstrate.

If, let’s say, they slowly chiseled and shaped all the constructions in order to achieve perfection, it would still be impossible to achieve such perfection without the help of advanced machines. It is even impossible to see such perfection with just the use of chisels and lumps of rocks.

Before I continue, first, let me give the credits to:
Ekwanim Productions
In co-production with: Kerguelen Productions
                                 Gerard Fournerie
                                 Felix Altmann Productions
In association with: Wild Bunch
Narrated by: Brian Cox

We are all aware of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. It is one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world. In fact, it is the only one that remained standing. The disturbing questions that arose from the mysteries in the building of the pyramids and other ancient constructions in other parts of the world challenged everything we knew about the history of our planet.

What were the mysteries that led to some disturbing questions?

1. The pyramids were built with great precision. A breathtaking precision that would be, even today, a challenge.

2. The builders worked with more than 2 million pieces of stones of different shapes and sizes. But given such, the building was still astonishingly accurate.

3. Egyptologists insisted that the pyramid of Giza only took 20 years to build. The Clay Quarry in Forges Les Bains, Essone, France roughly had the same size as the pyramid and was built for 12 years. All they needed to do was dump rubbles without building a thing. So, there were 12-hour shifts per day, 2 million stone blocks in the pyramid, 365 days in a year to quarry, carve, lift, and fit one block every 2&1/2 minutes. Not to mention, the 7th wonder of the world was built with copper chisels, stone mallets, and hemp ropes. They didn't have wheels, iron, or steel according to our history.

4. Heterogeneous construction or blocks of irregular shapes that were used in building the ancient constructions were found not only in Egypt but also in some other parts of the world like Machu Picchu, Cuzco, and in the Saqsayhuaman site, Peru. These uneven blocks, so precisely laid that a razor blade could not fit in between, were found out to prevent the walls from breaking down during an earthquake. Over 4,000 years ago the builders of these ancient construction unthinkably knew how to construct earthquake-proof walls. And it worked! These ancient constructions stayed intact through earthquakes that flattened everything around them.

5. The position of the great pyramid is absolutely precise. It points north within 5 hundredths a degree. We only learned to do this recently. In the 17th century, thousands of years after the pyramid was built, they couldn't come close to that degree of precision.

6. The pyramid also has 8 sides. Building 8-sided pyramid on a 4-sided base is obviously more complicated than just a 4-sided one.

“If we wanted to build a structure like this today, even using all modern measuring devices and building techniques at our disposal, we’d still be in real trouble,” says Pier Luigi Copat, Architect Consultant in Berlin Potzdammer Platz.

“For a long time there was some talk not from Egyptologists I’d like to stress, there were some talk that the pyramids of Egypt could have had another function (other than Cheop’s tomb). That is unthinkable!” says Jean-Pierre Adam, Architect and Archaeologist at the CNRS.

Back in pre-walled Cairo, a professor in Mathematics, Andre Pochan, thought he found the answer. He found a photo of the pyramid taken one night during the equinox by the royal air force. It showed the south side split in two by the shadows. This only happens for a few seconds twice a year at the equinox. The rest of the time, the way the sides of the pyramid are split into 8 not 4 is invisible to the naked eye. You don’t have to be at the pyramids at equinox to verify this. The great pyramid, its shape, its dimension, and its exact location are modeled via modern computer program. It confirms the bends on the sides. Some experts believe the bend on the sides of the pyramids are not planned at all, it just turned out that way after the alter casing fell off. So for some this is simply chance. Some experts say that the bends on the pyramid sides could not have been an accident. If the bend of the pyramids that gave it 8 sides and not 4 were intentional, maybe it was built like this in order to signal the equinox. It’s an amazing achievement considering their primitive tools that the ancient Egyptians had to use to build it.

7. On the East side of the Great Pyramid, there is a black bedrock. Today it’s ignored or used by tourists as a picnic table. But if you take a closer look at the grooves and cuts and compare it to a 1998 stone cut by modern machine tools for example, the similarity is staggering. At the Abu Churab Site in Egypt, there are unexplained holes. These matched the sort of thing we do today by machine. No one today could do this kind of thing by hand.

8. In Musee du Louvre, Paris, France, perfect pieces of work that are made of stone that is harder than steel can be found and they’re not rare because 40,000 of them were found beneath one pyramid. It’s very hard to believe that these were all made by hand.

9. Looking inside the pyramid, there were hieroglyphics that were never touched and showed the existence of sophisticated technology. The coincidence of it being created out of something else leaves us wondering.

10. Let's go to the Easter Island, a 15-mile long island that is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Statues of monolithic human figures called Moai can be found here. They were carved from volcanic rocks. The biggest Moai weighs 250-270 tons. The quarries have similarity with the ones in Egypt. No one can explain how the immensely heavy and huge statues were quarried and transported across the island.

11. Strange writings were also found on the stones of the Easter Island that are the same writings found in Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan. These are writings that no one can read. What could possibly be the connection between two places 12 and a half thousand miles away from each other?

12. In Paracas Bay, Peru's Pacific side, the Paracas Chandelier had an extraordinary Peruvian carving that is 549 feet long and is precisely orientated north to south. But who carved it? When was it carved? Or Why? No one knows.

13. In Nazca Geoglyphs Site, Nazca, Peru, the Nazca Plateau in the interior of Peru, that was discovered in 1926, had drawings that are extraordinary, just like that of Paracas. These are drawings that can only be seen from the sky and not on the floor or even the neighboring mountains. (images' view from the sky)

14. In Mexico, just like in Giza, there are also three main pyramids, the sun, the moon, and the pyramid of the feathered snake. Just like in Giza, the main pyramid is precisely aligned. Even in Shen-hsi site, China, there are pyramids but it is impossible to visit them because the Chinese government keeps them under wraps.

“Egypt developed way before Mexico. There was no relationship whatsoever between North Africa and this part of America,” says Felipe Solis, Archeologist, Director of the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.

The similarities are simply striking: Hieroglyphic writings, mummified bodies, great astrological skills, and earthquake-proof construction techniques.

These ancient sites are full of questions and mysteries that conventional archeology cannot answer. And anyone who steps away from the usual explanations is dismissed as a crank. But the questions remain. Because rock carving cannot be accurately dated, there are no definitive answers. If we want to solve these mysteries, we need to keep an open mind.

15. Going back to Egypt, mathematically, the pyramids are as accurate as one could not imagine having been discovered at that time, containing both Pi (3.1416) and the Golden Number (0.5236). The golden number occurs all over the natural world -- in the shapes of plants, in astrology, in the proportions of the human form, in the proportions of the great art. It appears to be a constant in the universe. Again and again, measuring the pyramids, the golden number appears.

The pyramids have been built in such precision in the primitive times. Ancient builders worked with such precision that modern architects would envy. Their achievements have never been vetted. The necessary tools used to determine the precision on the artifacts did not exist during the building of the pyramids. The builders of the pyramid were working with a precision that they didn’t have the tools to check. Just like the statue at Luxor, which has the perfect symmetry, only modern methods can measure.

“Any detail that we see was intentional on the part of the designer and on the part of the builders and there was nothing left to chance!” Says Dustin Carr, Physicist in Acoustic Optics and Nanotechnology.

“From what we can tell, it seems extremely unlikely that the Egyptians knew the value of Pi. The Golden Number was also a relative unit featured in pyramids and their temples. But it never occurs in Egyptian calculations! So this knowledge of the golden number is very surprising.” Says Rainer Stadelmann, Egyptologist, Discoverer of the Pyramidion.

“We meet it so often that the probability of it being due to chance is nil. It is infinitesimal to me. Frankly it’s like zero. It stands the reason, even for mathematician, meaning someone who can assess probability, that the volume of that pyramid was picked because of its numerous possibilities to reveal through it the golden number.” Says Claude Genzling, Polytechnique Graduate, Mathematician and Architect.

“I think the ancient Egyptians were aware of the golden number, they couldn’t have come across the number each time, especially the perfect one. They had to possess that knowledge. It’s not in their culture to divulge it. They kept it secret. And the best way to keep a secret is not to convey it anywhere.” Says Jean Leclant, Dean of Egyptologists, and Professor Emeritus at the College de France.

So, 4,700 years ago when the rest of the planet was still wandering about in animal skins, the ancient Egyptians flattened limestone, paved an area the size of 6 football pitches, piled up 2 million blocks of stones to the height of a 42-story building, drove a narrow 300 foot long passage utterly straight through the rock, fitted the stone in the inner chamber with complete precision, built the outside of the pyramid with 8 sides instead of 4, and made it earthquake proof. Lined it up precisely with magnetic north and got the whole job done in 20 years using only chisels and stones.

The construction of this pyramid in such a short period of time with such limited tools is so amazing, so astonishing that we have to wonder, was it even possible?

We know very little when it comes to building the pyramids. We have a lot of theories but no written account. No proper historical records. Egyptologists have seen evidence in papyrus and into the rocks but could not decipher what they truly mean.

Maybe we are compelled to think the unthinkable. Maybe the pyramid was not designed as a tomb. Maybe it was built for something else. What is it?

Engineers and scientists couldn’t help but think that there seemed to be a relationship between the realm of man and the realm of the gods. Click here for the continuation.

1 comment:

  1. The simplest way to get the whole year dates to see the "Giza the time machine world mysteries blog" You can get the sumer and winter Sun riseing, the two equinoxes, and the 14 days for every time! András

