Thursday, August 8, 2013

I Found Something: Human DNA & Blood Types (Part 7)

"So what scientists have been calling “junk" DNA is actually "divine" DNA preparing to be activated soon."

"Our ET programmer deliberately disabled the advanced code and left us to exist on only 3% of our DNA. That is why your life is like a broken DAR radio that is stuck in one station called 5-sensed reality."

I’d like to talk about the human DNA. I am giving the credit to Danny Searle, who made an amazing research and investigation on this topic, which I would like to share with everyone. Danny Searle created “The Mechanics of Ascension," which tackled the evidence of spiritual ascension through human DNA and other manifestations. I will be sharing the topic with you as he narrated it, mostly in his words, because there's no better way to discuss it than the way he did. Here it goes...

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is the hereditary material of humans and almost all other organisms. The information in the DNA is stored as a code and made up of 4 chemical bases that are usually abbreviated to ACGT (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine). Human DNA consists of about 3 billion of these bases.

Every organism has a genome that contains all the biological information needed to build and maintain a living example of that organism. The biological information contained in the genome is encoded in its DNA. If we take a person typing 60 words per minute and 8 hours a day, it will take around 50 years to type out the code for the human genome.

97% of human DNA is referred to by scientists as "junk" DNA. Researchers are very interested in finding out that our "junk" DNA doesn't actually do anything. One recent study suggests that it doesn't really have any function. Amino acids combine to form proteins. There are 64 possible codes of amino acids in our DNA structure. Of these 64 possibilities only 20 of these codes are turned on right now. So, what's going on here??!

A gene is a section of our overall genome that helps the body to know how to code for specific proteins within our body. When scientist first studied the human genome, they thought that one gene coded for one protein. But it turns out that we actually have about 250,000 proteins being coded by 25,000 different genes. Which means that each gene is coding for about 10 proteins and scientists have no idea how this occurs. When scientists from the human genome program stated in 1997 that all humans are 98% genetically linked, you can now appreciate what a massive difference 2% can make. But why are those 2% different?
Human genes are approximately 98% similar to that of chimpanzees, 85% with dogs, 75% with mice, and 113 of our genes come from bacteria. There are about 250 unique genes that are not found in any other lower species. Scientists have not been able to find any evolutionary basis for these genes. Again, what the hell is happening here??!

Human DNA:
250 genes of unknown origin + 24,750 genes of known origin = 25,000 human genes

It was already mentioned that 98% of our genes share that of chimpanzees but unlike chimpanzees and other species, humans do not live in harmony with earth's ecosystems and are usually at odds and out of step with nature. Why?
250 of our genes have no evolutionary basis.
Only 20 out of 64 amino acids are turned on.

Because part of us is foreign to this planet!

Our genetic code was written by an extraterrestrial programmer that wrote 2 versions of our genetic code:
1. A basic code
2. Advanced code

Our so-called “junk” DNA is actually a hidden and dormant upgrade of our basic code. So what scientists have been calling “junk" DNA is actually "divine" DNA preparing to be activated soon. It's a clever, self-organizing, self-editing, self-developing, self-correcting, self-exacting software program with a built-in wireless connection to the ageless wisdom of the universe.
Our ET programmer deliberately disabled the advanced code and left us to exist on only 3% of our DNA. That is why your life is like a broken DAR radio that is stuck in one station called 5-sensed reality.

Let's talk about the Human Blood Types.

The majority of humans have a blood factor common with the Rhesus Monkey, this is called Rhesus positive blood or Rh(+). This factor is completely independent from the A, B, AB, & O blood types. Your Rh status describes whether or not you have a protein on the surface of red blood cells. If you don't have the Rh factor, you're considered Rh(-). If you have it, you're Rh(+).
About 85% percent of people are Rh(+) where it thus vary by race. For African-American about 90-95% are Rh(+), and for Asians about 98-99%. So as you can see, Rh negatives are rare! During the birthing process, blood cells from the unborn child can escape into the mother's bloodstream. These cells are recognized as foreign. They are of a different blood type from the mother and the natural reaction process will ensue with the formation of anti-bodies. The process is now on its red cell Alloimmunization. Therefore, Rh(-) women with an Rh(+) partner are at risk of spontaneous miscarriage or other fetus rejection events. In animals, this is seen as a really big problem but only in hybrid animals, just like us (250 genes of unknown origin + 24,750 genes of known origin = 25,000 human genes). The Rh(-) Factor is considered by science as a "Mutation" of "Unknown Origin" which happened in a vast region in Europe about 25,000 to 35,000 years ago. These groups herded heavily into this area of what are now Spain, Ireland, England, and the general area. 84-85% of humans test positive for the Rhesus monkey gene. Only 15-16% of humans test negative for the Rhesus monkey gene.
O+ is 38% of the entire population and O- is only 7%.
A+ is 34% and A- is 6%.
B+ is only 9%, but B- is only 2%
AB+ is 3% and AB- is only 1% of the entire population.

Rh- people typically have:
Higher IQ
Sensitive vision
A lower body temperature
Psychic / healing abilities
Increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight
The ability to stop watches and electrical appliances
They cannot receive blood transfusion form Rh+ donors and they can't be cloned.
They usually have fair hair and eyes
O- blood is considered to be a "Universal Donor"
Many Rh- people report a feeling of not belonging to the human race, or to earth.

So does this sound like you?

It is well established by Zecharia Sitchin that there is another planet in our solar system that the ancient Sumerians call, Nibiru. Nibiru has a massive elliptical orbit and comes close to the earth every 3,600 years. The beings on this planet are called Anunnaki and they came to earth about 450,000 years ago.
200,000 years ago, the Anunnaki needed a labor force to mine gold on earth so the head scientist whose name was Enki along with his half sister Nin-Khursag, who was the chief medical officer, genetically altered a native earth hominid, probably homo habilis, by combining the DNA from the Anunnaki with the hominid that eventually created a hybrid being that they called Adama -- "he of the red blood." This information comes from the Sumerian text.

When humans began to be established on earth and were flourishing, one sunny day, Enki had sex with one homo erectus female. 9 months later, a baby boy was born. And Enki proclaimed, "At last, I have done it!" because up until then all of the Adama were black hair, brown skin, dark eyes, and Rh+ blood. They were still considered by the Anunnaki to be primitive beings. They all looked the same because they were all created in a test tube. This time one was created from the good ol' natural way and something changed. This boy was fair, had blue eyes, blond hair, and had Rh(-) blood. The boy's name was Ziusutra, but you might know him as Noah, the flood guy! You can read them all in Zecharia Sitchin's "The Lost Book of Enki" and "The 12th Planet".

It is now being established by scholars that Genesis is an abridged version of the Sumerian creation story. But when we read Genesis 6 from the Bible with the knowledge of the Anunnaki, it suddenly starts to make sense.

"And while human beings began to multiply on the face of the earth, daughters were born to them" Genesis 6:1

"The sons of gods saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and so they picked for themselves women whomever they pleased." Genesis 6:2

Based on blood types alone, it can be demonstrated that humans are hybrid animals, that is a mixture of 2 different species. In fact, Rh- blood types don't even appear to have evolved on earth at all. That much is a fact. However, based on conjecture, we have a theory that says: There is another planet in the solar system, which NASA calls Planet X. It swings around every 3,600 years and on this planet are some highly technologically advanced beings, who genetically engineered the modern human race thousands of years ago.

The whole story was recorded by the Sumerians who viewed the Anunnaki as gods. The ancient astronaut theory makes a whole lot more sense when they tried to unravel the mysteries of the human DNA. So the ET programmer I wrote about earlier may in fact be Enki. If you have Rh- blood, fair hair, blue/green hazel eyes, then chances are, you are actually a direct descendant of Enki, the Anunnaki prince, chief scientist, and god of the ancient Sumerians.

OK, I know that that's too much to digest. But these things need to be read and absorbed with an open mind. Remember that the universe is as vast as one cannot imagine. And in that vastness anything is possible. Click here for the continuation.

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