Sunday, August 25, 2013

I Found Something: Dolores Cannon & The Higher Beings, First Part (Part 8)

"In the Earth school we learn emotions and limitations... And so this is the most difficult planet to live in because of that... They admire us when we said we want to come to Earth because it takes a lot of bravery to come here. This is the lowest, densest planet there is. The energy is very very low and very very dense. So, it is nice to note that we are learning a great deal by being here."

Okay, let me pull you back to the ground familiar to us, earthlings. Whether we like it or not, we are living a life that is mediocre and hopeless. Eckhart Tolle once said that the world is meant to disappoint us; that every now and then some parts will crumble, here and there. Such is life on this planet. Our world is the most complicated place our souls have ever dwelt in. In Dolores Cannon’s book, “Convoluted Universe,” she was able to obtain significant information from the higher beings, or what we now call the ETs, using her hypnotherapy methods on her patients. Information that holds the truth about our universe, the humanity, and the truth about our history, which her patients could not remember divulging after each hypnotherapy session. She was able to obtain information that are mostly no longer new to the Earth because they have already been written long before the civilization of man in the lost books that were found in Sumer, now known as Iraq. Dolores Cannon simply validated the ancient texts, which we have long forgotten and ignored. Now, let me dedicate Part 8 and 9 to Dolores Cannon’s discoveries.

Dolores Cannon has been travelling all over the world all the time giving talks about her books, prevailing her discoveries, and her work as a hypnotherapist. She’s 80 years old but looked more like a 50. She’s mostly teaching her techniques in hypnotherapy, as the doctors in most parts of the world are really interested to know what Dolores have found. She’s been in the hypnosis for 40 years, 30 years doing the past life regression. But she found out that what she was doing only showed the tip of the iceberg and so her work has taken on a totally different turn after that. And now she’s doing a unique kind of therapy that gives her all the knowledge she didn't expect she would find. What Dolores mainly teaches is about instantaneous healing. Through this, she was able to find a way to contact The Source of all knowledge. “The Source of all knowledge” as she calls it is the one who has been doing all the healing while she facilitates. She has also been working in the UFO field for 25 years and written four (4) books on that. But she does not channel, she is not even a psychic, she is a hypnotherapist. She calls herself the reporter, the investigator, and the researcher of lost knowledge, finding things that nobody knew about.

During her past life regression sessions, she was able to discover the power of the subconscious mind. But it isn’t the subconscious mind defined by the Psychiatrists. What most Psychiatrists work with is that part of the mind that the hypnotists use to help their patients lose weight, stop smoking, and etc. That is not the part of the mind Dolores works with. At first she didn’t know what to call it, as it began to keep coming through with all her patients. She preferred to call it the subconscious, but to some it is called the oversoul, the higher self, or the higher consciousness. It is so big, so huge, and with tremendous power that it has the answers to everything. She has been doing her therapy to thousands and thousands of people, strangely getting the same information and contact through all these people. She then concluded that she must have discovered something truly valuable. She has been sharing new knowledge that she believes has been the missing link to the UFO puzzle. She has written 15 books about all the adventures she had during hypnosis using her unique methods. A lot of her discoveries dealt with the history of our planet. When she began to get into something more powerful, which she called the subconscious, she was able to contact a higher being that is full of love, and whom Dolores was able to easily trust. The information are coming from clients who are being taken by Dolores to their past lives. Dolores does not interrupt the session. After the sessions, her clients don’t have memory at all of what they said. Remember, thousands of sessions were done with thousands of different people. They were all giving out the same information about our planet’s history and some new knowledge that they cannot remember saying at all. Dolores has been getting the same pattern. She has been getting new knowledge as well as unknown history, which in turn Dolores shares to us through her books and talks all over the world.

Definitely, what Dolores found is not what all of us knew existed at all. It does not matter how much information you can take. You can read them all nice and slow with an open heart and mind.

The higher beings have been spoon-feeding Dolores with information, a little piece at a time. She digests them and it gets a little more complicated as they went along until it got into some very deep stuff. Every time Dolores thinks she already has everything that she could possibly know, the higher beings would give her more. I would interchangeably use the term "higher beings" and "ETs" but they both refer to the beings that are beyond this Earth.

One of the reasons why Dolores is getting all the information and the other investigators are not is because she works in the deepest possible level of trance, which is called the somnambulistic trance. She preferred to work in that level because in the lighter level of trance, the person's personality is very present. The person in a lighter level of hypnosis would usually think they made up all their stories, or maybe read them in a book, and would most of the time regret bringing up such story. Hypnotherapists all work only in the lighter level of trance. In this level, their clients are always caught in their emotions and fear and can't get past that. Dolores does not want that part, which is the human mind distorting everything. Most investigators are afraid of what they will be able to find if they work in the somnambulistic level or the deepest possible level of trance. Dolores now tells us, based on experience, that what we can only find there is the TRUTH of everything. And when I say everything, it's the "everything" that we know and don't know. So, Dolores makes sure she gets the conscious mind out of the picture so it can't interfere with what she's trying to find.

I'll discuss most of what Dolores have found. I'll write them in her words and occasionally in my words as a mere rephrasing of Dolores's account without distorting the true idea.

Here you go:

The ideal situation especially with UFO experiences is that the person never remembers anything. They don't want to interfere with the person's life. The higher beings have been coming to Earth since the beginning of the world. They said it would be better if the person couldn't remember anything so that he or she can continue on with their life. They also have no control over the chemistry of our brain. The chemistry of our brain is now being influenced by the pollutants in the air, the additives in the food, alcohol, or drugs of any kind, distorting our brain altogether. And so, if they encounter any experience, they would remember it in a distorted fashion and not the way it's really happened. It's being filtered by FEAR. Fear is the strongest emotion a human has.

Dolores have been working in this field for so many years with so many people. She worked with so many investigators all over the world. These investigators will usually have a case that they will work with telling Dolores about the horrible things that were done to a client. Dolores will have the same client and they would get to the truth, which is a totally different story, because it has not been distorted by the conscious mind. Afterwards, the client would say, "if that's what happened, I can handle it." With Dolores facilitating, they'd found out it was not at all what they thought it was as per what other investigators have found. To Dolores, that's therapy when you can help the person find out the truth and move on from there. Over the years, she's been getting these stories that are totally different from what the other investigators are getting. The ETs are a wonderfully positive group. They have been coming here on Earth doing things for the benefit of mankind.

These are the information that Dolores Cannon received from the higher beings, or the ETs as we call them through her hypnotherapy sessions with clients:

Everyone of us has past lives. Dolores haven't found anyone who has not been to a past life. It doesn't mean just Earth. Earth is just one school that we are all going to. But this is not the only school. We have all been around forever. And we are all going to continue to be around forever. Earth is a very young planet isolated in this galaxy because they don't want us to contaminate the rest of the universe. They are really afraid of our violence so they're keeping us isolated. They said we will never get to work with them until we get rid of our violence. It all goes back to the time when we were created out of animals, we still have that animal nature. But we have all been around ever since we were created, having all kinds of adventures before coming to Earth. We have lived in other planets, other dimensions, things we can't even possibly imagine existed. Dolores have had clients that went to all these places. And we have all done that before deciding to come to Earth. The Earth is a school where you can't skip a grade but you can repeat a grade if you don't get it right. You don't get out of the Earth school until you graduate. This means you have to experience absolutely everything, every nationality, every culture, living on every continent in the world. With all the knowledge we have to accumulate, we can't do it in just one lifetime. This can take hundreds and hundreds of lifetimes to learn all of these things before we can go back to the source and graduate. So during that time we would naturally accumulate "Karma." What goes around comes around. That's the law of the universe, it must be paid back. This is the sort of thing that we call Reincarnation. But a lot of us get stuck doing the same mistake again and again and again instead of moving forward. It doesn't matter to the higher beings how much time it should take us to learn our lesson, we have eternity anyway! You want to take eternity to learn? Because, every time we go back stuck up in the cycle of Karma, we are being put together with the same people, same circumstances, only now it becomes even harder until you finally learn the lesson. We have all been trapped in the wheel of Karma going round and round instead of progressing.

We have a body. We are NOT a body. This is just a suit or clothes, or costume, that we are wearing right now to play this part in this planet. So, all of this is just a play. It's an illusion. We have had too many costumes we've worn living different lives in different planets or dimensions. We have done it all. Now, we have come to Earth. Earth is the most challenging in the universe. They don't want to come here as it is very very difficult to live here on Earth. In the Earth school we learn emotions and limitations. And there are many places or planets in the universe wherein they don't have those kinds of lessons. And so this is the most difficult planet to live in because of that. The ETs said they admire us when we said we want to come to Earth because it takes a lot of bravery to come here. This is the lowest, densest planet there is. The energy is very very low and very very dense. So, it is nice to note that we are learning a great deal by being here.

When people are being taken to their past lives, whenever they leave the life, they go to the spirit side. They would always go through what is called a life review wherein they'd look at the life they had just left. They see all the things they've done and said, every experience they have ever had. And they also see them through the eyes of everybody they have been involved with. And when they start looking at it that way, they would realize how much they have hurt other people. They didn't know that what they said affected them that way. And there is no God up there sitting on a throne to punish you or me or judge us. You look into your life and you judge yourself. There's no harsher judge than yourself. And you are the one who makes the arrangements with the other souls you have harmed and created a karma with to go back and do it again. Because we will never get out of this karma until we have worked it out. You have actually had a discussion with these souls before you've come back. You may have decided to reverse roles (ex. husband, wife, mother, child, and etc.) because it is just a play. We are just here to experience these things right now. So, when you are making these plans, you make your plan of what you will do or at least hope to accomplish. It doesn't matter if you don't accomplish everything. When you are making those plans, the ETs are also very much involved because they are all experiencing lives going back and forth also. And they will talk to you and ask you if you would like to be involved in a project and you would say yes, of course. As positive, loving souls we would always say yes and volunteer to help.

Over there, everything looks simple and easy. But when you already come here on Earth, it's not that easy really because we get caught up in the emotions. Everyone comes in with their own little plan, then everything clashes with all the emotions we have to live with. And once we are here, we will not remember that we actually came for a plan. Because as soon as we come to the body, all our memories are erased. Dolores had people whom she'd taken to the birth experience. They were all saying "I got to remember, I got to remember!" but when they were already being born, they cannot remember anything anymore. Dolores asked the higher beings, would it be easier if we remembered everything, our plans, and what we came here for? They said, "No, it wouldn't be a test if you already knew the answers."

That's what's happening right now. The veil is thinning. It is called the Awakening. We are finally beginning to discover why we are here and what we are supposed to do. Because this is a very important time in the world to be here right now.

Going back to the beginning of the world, we were created by the ETs. So, they have been involved with us since the very very beginning. This is why they have so much interest in us because they have all been taking care of us since the beginning of time. Whenever there are councils, councils over solar systems, galaxies, councils over the universes, they all set plans, rules and regulations and make sure everything is run by. So, whenever a planet reaches a point when it can support life, it goes to the councils history book as an indicator that the planet is now ready to receive life. It has to be cooled down to the point where life can exist. Some of Dolores's patients went back to the beginning of time during past life regression sessions. Some of these people went back to the time the planet was being created, they were part of the creation. You have all been co-creators. Imagine the power we all have and we don't even realize it. We were able to do those things. It means, we can do them again once we begin to understand. Dolores had patients that were part of the creation of the ocean. Some were present when the volcanoes were erupting and the Earth was still full of ammonium and no life could live here yet. So they had to wait until the Earth cools down, enough for life to form. This was all done by the "archaic" ones. This means they have been around forever. The "archaic" ET's job is to go to planets that are suitable for life then create life.

So how does God fit in to this picture? This is a way of putting the evolutionist theory and the creationist theory together. God is very much involved in the picture. They call God "The Source." The source of everything, and that's where we all began. Everyone of us started with the source, including the ETs. The ETs are closer to God than we will ever be. Because they have been following God's instructions since the beginning and also, they depend on God for their very life. Why? Because they don't consume food the way we do. They, instead, absorb light through their bodies. They absorb light through the skin. That light comes from The Source. So, when the Earth was ready for life, God instructed them to create life on a cellular stage. They never knew what the life was going to look like. The important thing was to get life started. It started with a single cell organism and then it multiplied into some kind of form, they didn't care what form for as long as it grows. First they created plants, then animals. It took a long time to create them all. They had to go back here from time to time to check on it and see if their creation was growing or are they turning into a multi-celled organism. Some of Dolores's clients went back to their past life and realized that they were one of the seeders. They were once doing the planting of these cells. Other ones go back to where they were the recorders, checking how are things going -- are the plants developing? How is everything moving along? If we look at it this way, we'll realize that the ETs are not at all what we think they are, rather not the way they were introduced to us. 

The ETs said we humans have no idea how fragile life is because during the time of seeding they would go back sometimes and find that a multi-celled organism had begun, then the next time they'd check on it again it has already fallen apart. Then the planet was lifeless again. Then there was a lot of great sadness. Life is so fragile that it has to be cared for and nurtured for it to grow. This is why they have been too involved with us, it is their job to care for us. As life went along and things began to flourish, they brought most of the animals from other planets here on Earth and see what would adjust here. Then it came a time to introduce humans, they decided to give this beautiful planet a creature with freewill and see what he does with it. Well, honestly, they were not really happy with what we have done using our freewill. But there is a law of non-interference that these higher beings are required to follow. They are not allowed to interfere with our freewill and what we do with it. It may sound like Star Trek but it is the truth. But, only in circumstances when humans attempt to blow off the whole Earth will the higher beings interfere because they cannot allow their creation to perish just like that. Specially not the planet where life is abundant.

Every culture in the world has the legend of the culture bringer, who brings some kind of civilization and knowledge. The Indians have their Corn Woman. They come and teach humans how to plant. They bring fire. They always come and show the developing species how to work. They come from either the sky or from across the water and would live among the people. As this began to happen, they would give them the next thing they needed. Dolores asked them, "isn't that interference if you are giving us something?" They answered, "No, we only give them the next gifts at the next time they are supposed to have in their time in history. Now, what they do with it is up to them. Most of the time they don't use it the way we wanted them to use it. Most of the time they turn things into weapons." Again Dolores asked, "Can't you just go back and tell us that's not the way we're supposed to use it?" They said, "That's interference. We give a gift one time. What they do with it is up to them. If we go do anything else, it's interference."

ETs don't die until they are ready to die. They can live for as long as they want to. They have complete control over their body. They were the ones who brought the legends of the gods found in ancient books and The Bible. When humanity flourished, they can no longer come and live among us and tell us what we are supposed to do. So now, when it's time for a new invention, a new advancement to be brought into our world, they put them in the atmosphere. Whoever picks it up and invents it gets the credit. People all over the world are always working on the same invention at the same time when the time is right. They don't care who invented it for as long as it is in the timeline that the invention is supposed to exist. So they are helping us in that way giving us the next step or inventions that we need and that are next in their timeline. This is what is being done until now and they have been watching and monitoring us the whole time. Click here for the continuation.

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