Sunday, August 25, 2013

I Found Something: Dolores Cannon & The Higher Beings, Second Part (Part 9)

"God is a tremendous energy so full of love."

As they have been monitoring us and watching us all this time, they didn't like the wars we were being involved with and all the things we were doing. Something happened in the end of the 1940s that really got their attention. This was when we developed the atomic bomb at the end of the World War II. Then they decided to get down here and see what we were up to. We were not supposed to have that information yet. We were not supposed to have that knowledge, it has gotten here before it's time. Whenever we were supposed to get information of atomic power it was supposed to be used for good. They knew we couldn't handle it. Developing new inventions into a weapon is exactly what they don't want us to do. The only time they can interfere in the development of the Earth would be if we reached the point when we're going to destroy the world. If it got to that point, they would have to step in because if we destroy this planet it will send reverberations throughout the solar system, the galaxies. It would disturb other dimensions. There are other civilizations in other dimensions that we can't see. It would disturb everything. There will be chaos. So, they said it would not be allowed. If you remember the late 40s, at the end of the war, was when the UFO flap began. There were isolated incidents before that. During the war they were the ones we called the foo fighters who were in the war. Those were just observers and didn't really get involved until the end of the world war when UFO sightings began to appear everywhere. They were deciding on what to do with humanity during the cold war without interfering. They couldn't just come in and tell us downright to stop all of this. But, they came up with a brilliant solution. They came up with a very fascinating answer. They went back to the councils and proposed a plan.

The problem with Earth is that we are all caught up in Karma, making the same mistakes again and again and again. We are capable of destroying the world. So, the brilliant solution they came up with was to implant an influence inside the Earth. Earth was caught on the wheel of Karma, so entrenched in Karma, so they brought in souls that have never been on Earth before. Pure, uncontaminated souls. Souls that have never been caught up in the wheel of Karma. These pure souls will work from the inside of the Earth and will not become an interference from the higher beings, specially if they ask for volunteer souls. They thought maybe these pure volunteer souls who have never been trapped in Karma can make a difference by influencing people in another way. So there was a call that went out to the universes, "Earth is in trouble, we need volunteers. We need people to come and help Earth." There are clients that went through the past life regression with Dolores and reveals they do not have any past lives but with God and never left God. Some are going back to lives when they are ETs / higher beings form other space ships or dimensions. These people, Dolores's clients, do not have any idea about their past lives, which means they have pure souls that were never caught up in the wheel of Karma in their past lives. This life is their first time on Earth.

Dolores had people who go back to the very beginning when they were with God. Although we were all there in the beginning, that's where we all started out, The Source. And whenever we leave the source, it exploded out. It instructs every single soul that leaves it to learn everything and bring the information back. That's why there is no good and bad, there are only experiences, lessons. They have all described God, or The Source, the same way. First, you got to get over with thinking that he is the man. If anything, he would be woman! Because the woman is the creative force! But he is neither. It's an energy. It is a tremendous energy, a huge bright light. Some of them talk about it as the great central sun, but not like the sun we know. When they go there, all they feel is total love. They are together, everyone is together. They always say, "I'm back, I'm home", and the feeling is so tremendous that they don't want to leave. And when they were sent out, they feel the separateness. A lot of us are looking for that, we always want to go home. We may not understand where home is but we know it's not here. Dolores have witnessed her client's body shaking and convulsing when they are with God because they are experiencing the tremendous love and beauty of it. Dolores then asks the client, who is still in the regression state, "If it's beautiful there, why did you leave?" Her clients, with the same experience, will always say the same thing, "I heard the call and I volunteered to go." Just imagine how it would be like for these uncontaminated souls to come here.

God is a tremendous energy so full of love.

What Dolores found was three waves of volunteers who came here after the first atomic bomb. The first wave are like in their 50s or 60s now, although some of them may overlap. They had the most difficult time of all. Most of their lives, they did not want to be here. They felt like they didn't belong here. They don't understand the violence. They wanted to go home but does not know where home is. Many of the first wave have tried to commit suicide.

The second wave are going in their 40s and the 30s. They are the channels of energy. They are antennas. They are just here to let energy flow through them so that they can send it out to other people, although they are protected by a veil against karma. All they need to do is walk through crowds of people and their energy will then affect everybody. They don't know it's doing that but that's what they are here for. They don't have to do anything. The second group had an easier time than the first group because the first were the way-showers, the pioneers. The second group followed after them. They also usually don't have children as if they just want to do their job and get out of Earth.

The third wave are the new children. They are the hope of the world. They're coming in with everything in place. Everybody's DNA is being changed because we are moving into a whole new world, a whole new Earth. The DNA is being changed so that we can adapt to the frequencies. The new children's DNA is already in place and can already adapt to the new frequencies. When this energy came into the body for the first time, you can just imagine how that energy is so alien coming from the source. It would be so different to enter into a human body that the energy is so strong and it doesn't match the energy of the human body. So many times when they first tried the experiment of getting these souls into the human body, the fetus, the energy was too strong. This meant the mother's energy was not compatible. So many times it would cause the baby to abort or for mothers to have miscarriage because both energies wouldn't match. So when that happened, they would try again. It was supposed to be the same parents and this time they would send part of the energy of the soul so that the fetus can handle it. As the child grows older, they would give a little more of the energy. So if you would notice, the whole soul didn't enter at one time. These people would notice some changes from their childhood as they grow older. They would notice that something different was happening. That is because some of the energy was being downloaded little by little until the body could handle it.

These are the three waves. This brilliant plan of an inside job has caused problems because when the volunteers came to Earth, they didn't really know why they're here. And the one thing that's ironic about the second wave, they were supposed to be interacting with people, but a lot of them don't want to be here and don't like people. They don't like the way people makes them feel so they isolate themselves away from them. But maybe despite of them not liking people, they are still vibrating the same energy.

This much explains the baby boomers. Just look at all the babies that were being born at that time. Also, look at what happened in the 60s. The people didn't want war, they wanted peace instead. We had the hippies and then the peace movement. They were all trying to make changes. They just didn't fit in with the violence that was going on at that time in the world.

If you are one of them, the volunteers, then the higher beings are watching you in order to make sure that you are going to be okay. There were implants because they needed to know where you are because you are one of them. There were visitations, which are more commonly known as abductions, to make sure that everything is functioning well. They have been downloading energy to the body so that it would adapt in case the body gets sick and bring it back into harmony.

Therefore, if we really get into the story of what's truly happening, it is not negative at all. The ETs are merely taking care of us, checking on their own. The sperms and the ova, they have programs and they are meant for populating other planets. This is what they have been doing. They accumulate, keep it until they go to another place that needs to have life established. This is what they have been doing with the animals. They don't care about the combination because they wouldn't really know what is going to work perfectly in which planet. They said, we could have been surprised of what we could have looked like. It all depended in the chemicals in the primeval soup of our planet, what will grow or what will develop. We developed along the mammal line. Other species developed along the reptilian line. Other people developed alone the insectoid line. Dolores had clients who went back to lifetimes wherein they were the reptilians. They had a harder time in adjusting with the energy. There were things that had to be put into their physical body to adapt to the energy of the human body. These beings will never get sick because the ETs wouldn't want any doctors examining them and finding out what has been done to the body. They won't understand it at all. This is why the DNAs are being changed. The doctors will only notice the changes in the DNA if they know what they are looking for. A lot of them don't really know what they are looking for and so they don't see it. The main reason that our DNAs are being changed is because we are moving into the New Earth. In order to go to the new Earth our frequencies has to be raised, otherwise we can't shift. And that is what's happening to all of us right now.

Down through time, a civilization would reach a peak of development when they can do anything. Atlantis was just one of them. There were many others before that. We would get to the point when we can do absolutely anything with our mind. This was how they built the pyramids, they were able to raise the stones with their mind. They were able to make the stones malleable so they could form them into whatever they wanted. They rid away with disease and can live for as long as they wanted. And every time, it was the men who wanted power, they wanted more. They were the ones who would destroy the civilization because they would usually start doing the wrong things with their mind. Women were not really after power, they were more emotional and compassionate. So when the men eventually got too much power, maybe they got bored and eventually led to the demise. Like what happened in Atlantis. They were using crystal powers. In our time now, we haven't even begun to tap what we can do  with crystals. The power of crystals is tremendous. They can use crystals for anything. They developed these systems but they also overdid it. One of the main reasons Atlantis had to go down was because they were going against the law of nature. They were experimenting by combining animals and human. The legends of the half man & half animal, they don't come from Greece, they came from Atlantis. They were handed down into the Greek legends but they started in Atlantis. These are the centaurs, the half man & half horse, the half man & half bull. All of these were experiments that the Atlantians did. They made servants out of them and used them. But still, it was disobedience in the laws of nature. They weren’t supposed to fool around with things like that. It was one of the main reasons why Atlantis had to go down. The ETs wanted us to know this because they needed us to take notice of what is happening now on Earth. Our own current civilization is actually doing the same thing now. We are fast approaching that point wherein this cannot be allowed and the line has to be drawn. If you have heard about the human cells being implanted into a pig so that they can use the pig organs to be transplanted into the human body. There was one scientist who said that this wasn't right and that we might create a disease that there would be no cure for. The experimentation was stopped for a little while but some scientists have begun to do it again. The ETs are telling us now that we are going down the wrong way. In the case of the Atlantis, they were using too much of the crystal powers that made holes in the ozone layer and let the sun come through. This was how so many of our deserts were formed. They also created too much power that the world couldn't handle. This was also the explanation for the Bermuda Triangle. That was part of the original Atlantis. On that point, there was a temple where they did time traveling experimentations using crystals that opened and closed portals. When Atlantis went down, the temple was destroyed but the time traveling machines were partially destroyed, which means they are still firing in an erratic fashion. This is why if the ships or planes happen to be in the area and this machine is actively shooting up its power into the area, it would zap those planes or ships into its portal and into another time. Our government has been using a time traveling machine for a very long time now. There were people that have been taken out of the way if they were getting too close to something confidential in the government. They were picked up and taken into this machine.

So, they said, every time a civilization would get to that point, they will have to destroy that civilization. They would only leave a few survivors to begin again and erase all the knowledge that they had. In the case of the great pyramids of Egypt, they were made by the survivors of the sunken city of Atlantis. We are now approaching that same level of civilization. Psychic abilities are being brought back. The mind is growing more. We are reaching a point wherein we could get to that height of a civilization. And if we are foolish enough to get to that point of destruction then the higher beings will be left with no choice but to destroy our current civilization in order to shut us down.

And there is no more time left.

The Earth is a living being. It is evolving. It is moving and changing. It is time for the Earth itself to evolve and move into another dimension, into its next part. The Earth doesn't care if the human race goes with it or not. It is going to evolve whether we go or not. That next dimension will be extremely beautiful and we can only go if our frequency and vibration matches the new Earth as it moves. That is what's happening now. But, everyone will not go. Some won't be able to go. If you are caught up in the frequency of the old Earth, which is very dense and heavy and full of negativity, you are not going to be able to move with the new Earth. A person cannot change its frequency all at once. It is impossible. The energy is too great and strong and so it must be gradually increased. These changes began in 2003 and people began noticing symptoms in their body and the doctor cannot find anything wrong with them. After a few days, the physical symptoms would go away. Then, after a few months the symptoms would be felt again. These are different kinds of symptoms. All of it has something to do with the adjustments.

These symptoms are:

1. High blood pressure
2. Heart palpitations
3. Dizziness / Vertigo
4. Headaches
5. Aches and pains throughout the body
6. Depression

Most of the time, the people experiencing these don't know where these symptoms are coming from. But these are the signs that your body is shifting and moving. The DNA is being changed and developed. And as it does, the body is reacting. So, if you are aware of it, just go with it. Because it does not mean you are ill. That explains also why the doctor could not find anything.

2012 is not the end of the world, obviously. It is the end of the civilization as we know it. But, we've been told that 2012 is like the culmination. The energy will be built into that point that it will push us into the next dimension. In the bible, in Revelation, it talked about the new heaven and the new Earth and how one is left and how one is taken. This is what they were referring to. When John had the vision on the Isle of Pathos, he didn't realize it is going to be thousands of years before it would actually happen.

This shift is the greatest show in the universe. The ETs and other higher beings are watching it happen now. But they don't really know if they will truly be able to pull it off. This is the first time that this has even happened in the history of the universe, that an entire planet will shift into another dimension. They had to do this because they had to make some changes here.

If we all want to go, we have got to get rid of the wheel of karma. Don't get stuck on the wheel of Karma because you will have to go back again and again in order to repay it. You are not going to be able to move unless you get rid of the Karma. How? Forgive, forget, and let go. You want to move on. You don't want to come back again and do it with the same people.
Also, get rid of FEAR. Don't buy into fear. The government and the churches are very big on fear. Think for yourself and ask lots and lots of questions. Don't buy into what's on TV or the newspapers. Make up your mind on what you want to believe in. Don't give your power away to anyone. So, get rid of Karma and get rid of fear and you will be free to move into the new Earth. About diet, the best foods for the body are live foods - fresh fruits and vegetables. Stay away from heavy meats like pork and beef. In order to shift to the new dimension our body must be lighter. The heavy foods will hold you to the old Earth. Also, stay away from a lot of sugar and drink lots and lots of water. The value of water is beyond belief. It will be better if you can get organic foods.

Whew! So, these are according to what Dolores Cannon have found. Interestingly, when I went through more researches on the same, I have been getting the same information. So, I also knew that what I have found was true. It was also mentioned in Part 7 how man began to flourish through the help of the Anunnaki, Enki along with his half sister Nin-Khursag. It was also mentioned in “The Lost Book of Enki” that Enki instructed Endusbar, the master scribe, to write down what happened to the gods on Earth and what will happen to the future of the Earth.

I am quoting an important part of the story:

And the voice of the lord Enki said: The signs will be in the heavens, and the words to utter shall come to you in dreams and in visions. And after you there will be other chosen prophets. And in the end there will be a New Earth and a New Heaven, and for prophets there will be no more need.

An Anunnaki has a resplendent, serpentine kind of face. They are beings that achieved the highest level of spiritual evolution. Enki is an Anunnaki who desired to uplift mankind that can even exceed the gods. But Enlil, his brother did not want humans to exceed the gods, as the probability is high that a rivalry amongst each other would arise. And so the human DNAs that are directly connected to the spiritual world were deactivated in order to avoid that. Makes sense?

From what we were made to believe by our society and the religions, we would think that Enki’s story is either a symbolism of a more realistic eventuality or just a hoax. Why were we never encouraged to believe in its truth? Or worst, why were we made to believe different stories if not the evil manifestations the society and religion so eagerly imposed upon the divine truth? What was behind all the ancient texts that we should not know? And why did those who hid the truth from us know and the rest didn’t? Religion is a controlling force, keeping us locked in place. It is no wonder that conflicts begin with religion. They have been drawing us into concentrating only on religious beliefs instead of SPIRITUAL beliefs. Religion is all about control. It is maddening. But I already promised myself that any inquiry now comes with kindness. The Bible has so many missing texts and books that were omitted, replaced, and re-written. By that I meant the Holy Bible was a compilation of books, manipulated to deliver a different truth. There were ancient scrolls found that were supposed to be continuation of some stories found in our Bible. But they were never published because they held the link to the truth. Jesus the Christ claimed that he was the Son of God. But he also said that we are all sons and daughters of God. That is the truth. Jesus the Christ was right all along in all his teachings. In one of my researches, an enlightened being have also found out that Lord Jesus was actually appointed by God to be the leader of the world. He was brought into Earth to lead the path. So, obviously, Jesus didn't really want to be worshipped. He would be happier if we instead followed his teachings and his path. Sadly, most of us just worshipped and only a few truly followed his teachings by heart. Did it not ever occur to you that only the superego would ask for our worship? That is their food. The superego feeds on our fear and worship. Jesus the Christ was clear of some egotistical plot. He was simply delivering a message from God, the source. He was giving us the answer to the test, the test that we must pass in order to ascend into our higher spiritual self. It is no doubt that no one has passed yet, except of course those that reached enlightenment and have awakened like him. Click here for the continuation.

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