Monday, August 5, 2013

I Found Something: Strange Dreams (Part 3)

"...then, I forgot about the enigmatic past. After 26 years, I dreamt of the same blanket. I felt the same realness in this dream as in the first."

But before I write about the answers that I was able to find, let me tell you another story from childhood. As a child I’ve always been having vivid dreams. Most dreams felt real. ‘Real’ because I found the connection to one dream now, after more than 20 years. This one dream never left my memory and kept popping up every now and then. The strange thing was, apart from not being able to forget the dream, I’ve been curious in the extreme about what was the dream all about. Well, I’ve certainly had a lot of dreams when I was a kid but this one felt more real.

This was the dream: I found myself in the woods. Some divine entity placed me in tact under a really huge tree. I sat under that tree, feeling scared. I was alone. Then after a while some black silhouettes of what looked to me like ninjas came approaching. There were many of them, but just enough to surround the huge tree and trap me in. I felt scared because I knew that they were up to something bad. I felt that they wanted to get me or even kill me if chance permitted. But before they got near me, from above came the same divine entity and flew down towards me. For the lack of description, because I didn’t know who she was, I thought she was the Virgin Mary. She was carrying a blue blanket. So, before the black silhouettes even had the chance to go near me, she wrapped me up in that blue blanket. The ninjas, horrified, rushed off and were gone forever. I slowly woke up. I was 4 or 5 years old then. I also remember telling Aunt Jessie, my father’s sister, this dream. I remember her telling me that it was a beautiful dream and that I have to keep praying to God for protection from harm. My interpretation was that maybe someday I’d be protecting nature as my profession. By the way, I was brought up by a family that has a firm belief in Catholicism or Christianity as a whole.

After 26 years, I dreamt of the same blanket. I felt the same realness in this dream as in the first.

This time, I was all grown up and looked like a princess. A blue blanket was wrapped around me and someone’s holding the two edges together so that the blanket won’t fall off. I just noticed that this blanket was making me invisible. It’s a protection from something. Then a woman, she looked like a queen, asked the one holding my blanket, “Has she awakened?” Then I heard an answer, “No, not yet.” Again the queen said, “It’s taking so long, they’re already waiting.”
Then I woke up. Who are they? Waiting for what? Awakened from what? Awakened from a long deep sleep? But in my dream, I wasn’t asleep. I was sitting on a grandiose chair. The strange thing was that this dream had the same blanket I dreamt about when I was 4 or 5.

I’ve also had dreams that went on for 3 and 5 days. One dream had to continue the next night until the story finishes on the 3rd night. One dream kept repeating itself for 5 days. I also experienced having the same exact dream with the person sleeping beside me. We were having the same dream at the same time. We woke up at the same time and felt compelled to tell each other about what our dreams were. This happened to me twice and with two different people who were not at all connected to each other. But these episodes stopped happening to me when I entered college. I forgot about the enigmatic past. I was busy with so many unimportant stuffs such as school. Then, life happened for 10 chaotic years.

Until one day…  Click here for the continuation.

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